We are so very blessed in not only having Christa as a member of our Board of Directors but serving also as our Board Secretary.
True to the culture of our leadership at PAR, Christa brings not only a strong and defined skill set with her many years of experience in executive level administrative coordination but is an authentic disciple of Jesus Christ.
Like her fellow Board members, she has experienced the damaging implications of alcoholism and codependency, yet today walks in the wholeness and freedom found only in Jesus Christ.
Christa also serves in one of the most important roles any of our team could be involved in, and that is in being a PAR Mentor.
Regularly she can be found discipling women and mentoring them in Christ centered recovery. This honored area of service is only able to be implemented through an individual who is willing to sacrifice in helping someone else experience the freedom from addiction in authentic Christ centered recovery.
Christa is one of those seasoned and beloved individuals. Whether it be serving on a grass roots level, or coordinating on an executive level her humility and dedication to Jesus is always is always present, and it is a joy to have her with us as part of the PAR Ministry family.