PAR Preamble 2024
Power for Abundant Recovery is a Christ-centered addiction recovery fellowship of men and women who share a common faith in the real and living person of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and a sincere desire to live in victory over addiction.

PAR is a non-denominational addiction recovery community and is not allied with any denomination, or other recovery programs, and our groups are self-supporting through the contributions of its members.
We use the SEVEN PAR Pillars of Christ centered recovery; we do not use the 12 steps of AA or other such steps – and fully acknowledge there is but one step needed for salvation.
Our Pillars are designed for the purpose of mentoring in recovery and discipling in Christ. Power for Abundant Recovery holds to the core biblical essentials of the Christian faith without apology. We do not wish to engage in any outside controversies except in matters that directly or indirectly,
- Would compromise the unity and integrity of a PAR Group.
- Would compromise or threaten our Core Values, Founding Principles or Statement of Faith.
- Would cause harm to Power for Abundant Recovery as a whole.
Our Chair Team is made up of men and women who know firsthand the bondage of addiction but have been set free in Christ and are dedicated Ambassadors carrying the message of Christ centered recovery through the PAR program. We believe that without the Healer there is no healing, we just manage damage.
If you are seeking authentic Christ centered addiction recovery, we sincerely invite you now to join us in the sweet fellowship of God’s love and the unity of Jesus Christ, who most absolutely is …… our power for abundant recovery!