Many in recovery have heard the term acceptance; many are familiar with the Serenity prayer. But how is acceptance different for the Christian seeking to walk in abundant recovery. Find out more in this episode…
Why is it that despite trials, tragedies, and temptations thereare people who seem to land on their feet, surf the wave of the Tsunami and hang glide on hurricanes. While that sounds a bit dynamic,…
We live in a time when we are seeing the results of Christianity being culturally groomed to be all embracing of world views, hyper cautious to avoid any dialogue that could deemed offensive, even at…
In this two part segment Mark and Amy visit with Ryan and Tarah Club. They not only share their testimony of Recovery in Christ but vital conversation about the days in which we live. Two…
Inthis two part segment Mark and Amy visit with Ryan and Tarah Club. They not only share their testimony of Recovery in Christ but vital conversation about the days in which we live. Two ministries…
In this episode Mark steps from the format to speak encouragement from the heart To those who are struggling, tired, or feeling a bit beat up by the world. You need to know That YOU…
In this episode "NARCISISTS DON'T JUST HURT PEOPLE", we feature a simple but powerful post shared Kris Reese who has helped so many navigate through the jungle of mental, spiritual, and emotional implications of interaction…
As we walk out Christ centered recovery there is a constant need to address those things set before us in the natural realm, while continuing to walk in spiritual awareness and maturity. In this episode…
Join Mark and Amy in this two part series as they discusscodependency, its characteristics, and what it look like in our relationships and every day life. Join us as we answer the question; How can…
In this segment of PARCAST, Join Paula as she shares how God couldtake someone broken in addiction, witchcraft and prison and transform theirlife through the power of Jesus Christ. You are never too broken for…